Are you an aspiring leader who wants to attend this course but cannot for financial reasons?
There is one scholarship place available for
WISH members!
The WISH Scholarship
To apply:
Please submit no more than one side of A4 detailing how attendance on this course will assist you to flourish in the housing sector, and how you meet at least two of the following criteria:
- Work for a small organisation who does not have the budget to fund this course
- Work for any size organisation who have refused to fund this course for you
- You have taken other steps to develop yourself professionally already
We encourage applications from people of all faiths, races, sexual orientations, economic circumstances and backgrounds, as well as those from disabled communities. No educational qualifications are needed to join our programmes.
The successful applicant will receive a place on the WISH Leadership Programme free of charge and will be expected to undertake all of the tasks and commitments along with other attendees. You will be able to access all Training Sessions, Group Coaching, the Self-Study Programme and the Style Workshop. No one to one calls are included. The successful applicant will not be identified by WISH or Hayley Gillard as a scholarship attendee without their consent on the course though they may wish to disclose this themselves. WISH will ask the successful applicant to write a blog at the end of the course for publicity purposes, which will also be available for use by Hayley Gillard with the consent of the applicant. This blog will not be anonymous so please confirm on your application that you are comfortable with this condition. We will not be able to offer feedback to any unsuccessful applicants.